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Grade 4.5 | 6:15 | © 2017

Ever since I have accepted myself as part of the LGBTQ+ community, I have desired to show my appreciation to that loving community with music. Colors Ever So Vibrant is a musical part of me that I hold dear and that means a great deal to me and those that I have grown to know in the LGBTQ+ community. We live in a time where this community is becoming understood and accepted, but still faces much unnecessary rejection, hatred, and violence. Amidst this turmoil, my music is meant to send out a message to all of those who, LGBTQ+ or not, fight for love: there is hope. There is hope for a better society, hope for a better life, and hope for peace. And however bleak things may seem at times, we must hold on to that hope. After all, if you look up, you will find that the colors remain ever so vibrant in the sky.

Recorded in Fall 2020 by the Seattle Pacific University Wind Ensemble and Danny Helseth.